Community Enrichment Grants are competitive grants made to any tax-exempt, non-profit organization or government entity that is doing innovative and meaningful work that fits within the Derby Community Foundation’s mission. The DCF awards up to $10,000 annually.
What We Fund
- Projects that meet the DCF’s mission.
- Projects that provide services in the Derby community (USD 260 boundaries)
- Organizations classified as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal
Revenue Service Code or a governmental entity.
♦ Schools, church groups, youth organizations
♦ Government & Municipal Agencies (Police Department, Fire Department,
Library, Senior Center, etc.)
♦ Public Foundations & Support Groups
What We Do Not Fund
- Clinical or medical research
- Contributions to capital campaigns
- Organizations that practice discrimination by race, color, creed, sexual orientation,
gender, age, or national origin - Debt retirement or deficit financing
- Endowments
- Private Foundations
- Real estate acquisitions
- Political projects of any kind
- Programs that promote a specific religious denomination
- The non-profit status of your organization will be verified. The organization name listed on your application and the name listed on the Tax ID must match.
- Grants are for amounts up to $2,500.
- Please do not send more information than is requested. Pictures, videos, pamphlets, etc., will not be reviewed. (Diagrams or photos embedded in the confines of the description page are acceptable.)
- Grant recipients are selected by a panel of reviewers including DCF board members and community representatives.
- The DCF will not provide an oral or written explanation for denied applications.
- All files attached to the application must be typed.
- Grant announcements are emailed by the DCF approximately 60-90 days after the application deadline.
- To apply, complete the application form and attach the required documents.
If you have questions, please call DCF at (316) 788-9815 or email